The Prospectus - Can Recycled Concrete Make a Building More Affordable and Ecological?

 Can Recycled Concrete Make a Building More Affordable and Ecological?

Deciding on the question for the prospectus has been a long road that felt never-ending at times. Arriving at the question took a series of selections, a series of moments of zooming in and becoming more and more specific and precise with what it is exactly that I am trying to answer with my research.

This question, specific and precise as it is, is one that can be answered with a process that can be quickly followed, and easily run through. 

The presentation of the prospectus, begins with a series of questions that become more specific and more isolated on one topic, then goes into questions on topics that can help answer my initial question, then goes into options for what ways of researching, what forms of documenting the research are being considered or make the most sense. I feel this is the most logical path to follow when presenting to the honors board, what exactly I am trying to research, and what question I am trying to answer.


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